Sometimes, only the button will be done. Smart homes and resurrection of connected devices such as lights, speakers, keys, and more have brought complex automation in the range of mainstream audiences, but sometimes you don’t want to pull the application – or talk to smart speakers – just to turn on the lights. For those who are in the Apple Homekit ecosystem, then, the remote controller of the Wemo stage scene can be the answer.
About the size of the car key FOB, the remote stage $ 49.99 wemo is a small white plastic chip. On the front there are three buttons, distinguished by slightly lifted dots. Each button supports a short press and a long press, which can be mapped differently, and there are LEDs hidden behind continued to be displayed when the signal has been sent.
Pop back cover, and you will find an ordinary CR2032 battery. Wemo said it had to last around two years, even though I consider the percentage in Apple’s home application dropping faster than showing the type of long life. At least the battery itself is available.
You can leave a remote at your coffee table or Nightstand, but Wemo also includes a wall plate with a 3M adhesive piece on the back. Remote cling for magnetic. Or, you can remove the magnetic dock section, and supply it into the intersection box with a standard paddle style trim plate.
I like the option, but I hope wemo magnet is a little more resilient. Everything is too easy to drop the wemo stage from the plate accidentally if you stab an off-angle button, or concentrate it if you rub it with your sleeve when you walk past.
Setup is generally directly, especially because Wemo hands over the process to Apple. The remote will only work with homecide devices, including newer items from the wemo themselves, and the broader ecosystem of smart home products that are compatible with homecocks such as keys and lights. Basically, if you can control it from within the Apple home application, the wemo stage must be able to control it too, but there are other things left of pleasure.
On the simplest and simplest individual device – such as lights or keys – can be registered to one of the Wemo Stage buttons. It should be noted that, not like some remote, no switch support here: If you set a short press from the first button to turn on your nakas lamp, another short press will not turn it off again. For that, you have to program another button – or maybe quite a long time from the same button – to command it off.
Where it is more capable is when you start registering the scene to the remote button. It can be a group of lights in a room, or a mixture of tubers, nuances, and more. One press can turn off the lights, lock the door, and activate the alarm system that is compatible with your homepers, for example, right before you go to bed. Or, it can dim the lights, close the nuances, turn on your Apple TV and TV, and prepare you for a night movie.
If you have made a scene in the home application, you can assign it to the Wemo stage directly. Or, you can build the only little by little when you program each button, first by selecting the appropriate device and then by adjusting the desired settings each. For light, for example, you can choose whether you want to turn it on or off, to what level of brightness, and certain colors if the bulb supports it.
It’s flexible, but it means that some homepruit frustrations are shared with the wemo remote stage. After selecting the lights option, for example, to map to short press on a button, it will be convenient to copy the group but ask them all to turn it off again to press the old button. However, in the home application, you must choose everything individually.